
English for Academic Purposes Program (EAPP) is a two-semester program for native and non-native speakers of English that gives students additional time to focus on critical reading, reasoning, writing, and research skills. Emphasis is placed on developing communication skills in preparation for academic and professional interactions.


Students are admitted into the EAPP through the University of Rochester's undergraduate application process. There is no separate application for EAPP.

To apply for international admission to the University of Rochester, visit the Admissions website.

Undergraduate students enrolled at the University of Rochester who are not in EAPP but wish to take EAPP classes should contact the EAPP director, Paige Sloan (paige.sloan@rochester.edu).

EAPP Location

Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program – Main Office
Rush Rhees Library, Room G-122
Rochester, NY 14627

Point of Contact

G. Paige Sloan
EAPP Director
Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program
Office: (585) 276-6979
Cell: (585) 319-1221


A major strength of the University of Rochester is the large number of nations, languages, and cultural backgrounds that are represented by its faculty, staff, and student body.

EAPP's objective is to enhance this international component of the University by strengthening students' abilities to write and communicate in various academic and social contexts. EAPP does this by:

  • Teaching critical reading, reasoning, and writing courses
  • Teaching communication skills
  • Encouraging greater cross-cultural exchange through participation in campus clubs and activities

We aim to enhance EAPP students' abilities to explore the curriculum, to pursue their interests, and ultimately to make the most of their educational experience.