Current Hours and Locations

Make Appointment

All appointments and drop-in sessions take place in Rush Rhees Library, Room G-122.

Online appointments are held via Zoom: the tutor will send a link shortly before the start of the appointment.

Hours and locations for each tutoring type

Writing Consultants:
Grad Tutors

Writing Fellows:
Undergrad Tutors

Speaking Fellows:
Undergrad Tutors

Appointments Only (RRL G-122 or Online)

Appointments & Drop-In (RRL G-122)

Write-On (Asynchronous)

Appointments & Drop-In (RRL G-122)

Spring 2025: Opens Sunday 2/2


Make Appointment

Spring 2025: Opens Sunday 2/2

Sunday: 5-11pm
Monday-Thursday: 7-11pm
Friday: 1-5pm

Spring 2025: Opens Sunday 2/2


Spring 2025: Opens Sunday 2/2

Sunday: 5-9pm
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 3-5pm and 7-9pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 3:30-5:30pm and 7-9pm
Friday: 1-3pm