Substitute a University Course to Fulfill the Primary Writing Requirement
Most students satisfy the Primary Writing Requirement by taking WRT 105, Reasoning and Writing in the College. If you believe you are already a proficient college-level writer andyou have not already attempted to take WRT 105, you may petition to satisfy the Primary Writing Requirement (PWR) with a University of Rochester course other than WRT 105. To fulfill the PWR in a timely manner, we strongly encourage you to petition by the end of your first year of matriculation. You may file a Substitution Petition prior to your first semester at the College. Students who petition later jeopardize their ability to complete academic program requirements on schedule.
Before proceeding, and to increase your chances of submitting a successful petition, take the time to read "What Constitutes a Successful Substitution Petition". Reading the materials will increase the likelihood that your petition will be successful. Click on the button at the upper-right corner of your screen to access these notes.