Amy Arbogast Headshot

Amy Arbogast, PhD

Associate Professor

Speaking Center Coordinator


Office Location
G-138H Rush Rhees Library
(585) 273-3584

Office Hours: By appointment


Amy Arbogast is an associate professor and coordinator for the speaking fellow program, where she trains and oversees the undergraduate speaking fellows. Amy earned her BA in History at Allegheny College and her PhD in History at the University of Rochester. She has also started her own business, Spark Speak, providing public speaking and coaching outside of UR. Amy has a book under contract with the MLA that will serve as a guide to class presentations for college students in the Humanities. She anticipates that this will be published in 2026.

Amy is an avid conference presenter and frequently speaks on topics like coping with speech anxiety, making space for neurodivergent speakers, and the importance of authenticity in communication. She loves teaching, coaching, and supporting the speaking fellows!