
The Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program values linguistic diversity and the distinct identities reflected in the multitude of Englishes and other languages across the world. Our mission is to help students develop as academic communicators in ways that honor their linguistic backgrounds and identities. We recognize that effective communication involves a negotiation between individual and community identities, goals, and ways of communicating. Our program’s courses and tutoring help students develop awareness of language practices--their own, others’, and those of specialized discourse communities--so that they might make informed, purposeful, and effective choices as academic communicators.  

The Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program leads the effort to familiarize students with key principles and strategies for becoming successful academic communicators across different modes and contexts. Faculty across Arts, Sciences, & Engineering agree that effective communication—including critical thinking, problem solving, organization of ideas, and clarity and power of expression—is of enormous importance both in academic and professional settings. Writing, speaking, and argument enable us to discover, develop, test, and share our ideas. Through communication, we see the truth, utility, or beauty of what we know, and make our knowledge have an impact on the world at large. In concert with faculty across the college, the Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program builds a strong community of undergraduate and graduate writers, speakers, and researchers. For both undergraduates and graduates, our program fosters a culture of open, honest, and critical communication.  

Welcome to our community!

Program areas: