Writing Fellows (Peer Writing Tutors)

Undergraduate students who are hired as writing fellows work during our evening hours. If students are selected through the application process, they are enrolled in the training course, WRTG 245: Advanced Writing and Peer Tutoring, before beginning tutoring the following semester.


Applicants must:

  • Have a GPA of at least 3.0 (Alternatively, if you feel that your situation warrants an exception, please contact Stefanie Sydelnik.)
  • Be in good standing
  • Have fulfilled their primary writing requirement (PWR)
  • Be a first or second year student

Applicants must also have at least one recommendation that will be submitted electronically using Writing Fellow Recommendation Form.

How to Apply

Application deadline: Wednesday, February 26th

To apply to become a fellow, fill out the online writing fellow application and submit it electronically to the Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program.

If you have any additional questions, contact our Recruitment Coordinator, Kathy Yan, at kyan4@u.rochester.edu.

Recommendation deadline: Tuesday, March 4th

Application Review Process

After an initial review of all applications, the strongest candidates will be invited for an individual interview with a current writing fellow, as well as a group interview with the associate director of the Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program and two writing fellows.

For additional information, email wsap@ur.rochester.edu.